Comment | Decreed 'that it shalbe lawfull to the seid John Morse to Reade the morninge and eveninge prayer [deleted: begynninge at our Lords prayer and so to reade further] the psalmes chappiters and other suffragies, with the letanie and the x comaundementes in thr begynning of the Communyon and ther to sease, And in no Wise to enterprise with the ministracion of the Sacramentes or any other thinge specially appertayninge to the office of a priest unlest it be in tyme of necessite whene there canno priest be had. And in that case it shalbe lawfull to the seid J Morse to bury the deade reading and saying suche psalmes chappiters and suffragies as be appointed for thet purpose And not to presume to expounde or declare any parte of Scripture as he will anywhere to the contrary at his perell before he shall have received the orders therin appointed': Morse to take orders as soon as possible, licence to apply to this parish only and to lapse when he or another provided as sufficient minister or curate |