Location | Office/Status | Cleric Detail | Qualification | Comment |
Westcliff / | Vicar | De L'Annay, Thomas | deceased. James Bell appointed a 'poor vicar' in his place | |
Lympne / | Vicar | Bell, James | Loc. Kent, dioc of Canterbury. Appointed poor vicar on the death of Thomas De L'Annay, vicar of Westcliffe |
Source | LPL, VB 1/15 (Act Book) |
Ordinary / Jurisdiction | Howley, William/Canterbury Province 1828-1848 |
Comment | 13 George I, c. 27; An Act for vesting several sums of money in the archbishop of Canterbury, and the bishop of Ely, given for the augmentation of the maintenance of poor vicars within the dioceses of Canterbury and Ely; and to impower them to lay out the |