Liber Cleri Detailed Evidence
Location | Office/Status | Cleric Detail | Qualification | Comment |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Ferringe |
Prebendary |
Blythe, MrJohannes |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Ipthorne |
Prebendary |
Prediaux, MrJohannes |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Fytelworthe |
Prebendary |
Dudlye, MrGeorgius |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Hova Villa |
Prebendary |
Worthiall, MrJohannes |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Sutton |
Prebendary |
Michell, MrSamson |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Woodhorne |
Prebendary |
Gressham, MrThomas |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Hurste |
Prebendary |
Wyat, MrRichardus |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Wytheringe |
Prebendary |
Turbervyle, MrJacobus |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Burye |
Prebendary |
Peterson, MrRobertus |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Hylige |
Prebendary |
Clarke, MrAnthonius |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Mydliton |
Prebendary |
Tresham, MrWilimus |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Hethfyld |
Prebendary |
Darell, MrRichardus |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Gates |
Prebendary |
Thrope, MrJohannes |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Selsaye |
Prebendary |
Ireland, MrThomas |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Waltham |
Prebendary |
Shepard, MrSimon |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Wysbrowgh |
Prebendary |
Powell, MrThomas |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Mardon |
Prebendary |
Addyshed, Petrus |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Colworthe |
Prebendary |
Samson, Johannes |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Somerlye |
Prebendary |
Hickling, MrThomas |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Sydlesham |
Prebendary |
Hall, MrJohannes |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Hova Ecclesia |
Prebendary |
Jermyn, MrThomas |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Seforde |
Prebendary |
Weme, MrThomas |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Ovinge |
Prebendary |
Daye, MrThomas |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Ertham |
Prebendary |
Swyndborne, MrRowlandus |
Chichester Cathedral / Prebend of Hampstyd |
Prebendary |
Brysley, MrRichardus |
King Edward / |
royal chaplain |
Eyer, Egidius |
DD |