Location | Office/Status | Cleric Detail | Qualification | Comment |
Alderly / | Rector | Shipton, Samuel | pd pd pd | |
Chedle / | Rector | Niccols, William | pd pd pd | |
Gosworth / | Rector | Hutchins, William | pd pd pd | |
Moberly / | Rector | Malory, Deannot given | Thomas Malory; Dean, Rector of Davenham and also (from some point in 1635) Rector of Barrow | |
Mottram / | Rector | Hyde, Mrnot given | 'poor' | |
Northenden / | Rector | Forster, William | Up to his death, 21 June 1635, Rector was Bishop of Sodor & Man (who was also Rector of Barrow) | |
Northenden / | Rector | Malory, Thomas | Rector from some point in 1635. noted as 'v[ide] Barrow [i.e. Bishop of Man], now Thomas Malory'. Bishop d. 21 June 1635. | |
Stockport / | Rector | Murrey, Drnot given | pd pd pd | |
Taxall / | Rector | Elcock, Anthony | pd pd pd | |
Wilmesly / | Rector | Wright, Thomas | pd pd pd | |
Prestbury / | Vicar | Joinson, Thomas | pd pd pd | |
Maxfield / | Vicar | Hollond, Philip | pd pd pd | |
Stopport / | Curate | Normansell, Thomas | pd pd pd. Stopport=Stockport | |
Chelford / | Curate | Ellison, David | pd - - |
Source | Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society vol. 12 (Tax List): 1622 |
Ordinary / Jurisdiction | Bridgeman, John/Chester 1619-1652 |
Comment | MACCLESFIELD DEANERY Contributions from the clergy of the Diocese of Chester, for the repair of St Paul's Cathedral to be made yearly for years 1634, 1635 and 1636. First payment due Christmas 1634 but was not all received until June 1635' There are generally three annotations of 'pd' for each entry. Not all entries have a note of payments, especially where the clergyman was noted as poor. I have noted these as p, and mark down the number of ps. However, although, pd - - may mean just incumbent for the first year, - pd pd does not necessarily mean he was a new incumbent after the first payment. |