Liber Cleri Detailed Evidence
Location | Office/Status | Cleric Detail | Qualification | Comment |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Fletcher, Henricus |
Ordained D 03/10/1574 ny Nicholas, Bishop of Worcester, P 25/03/1575 by the same Bishop, Licensed to serve the Cure of Sancti Jacobi Clekenwell 12/02/1585 by John, Bishop of London |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Johns, Thomas |
Ordained D by William, Bishop of Llandaff 20/05/1585, P 13/03/1595 by the same Bishop Instituted Rector of Sutton Bingham, Somerset 22/02/1592, Inducted 25/05/1593 |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Barksteade, Jacobus |
Ordained P by Richard, Bishop of Bristol 23/09/1991 |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Fettibone, Johannes |
Ordained D and P by John, Bishop of London 24/10/1593 |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Maycocke, Willimus |
A Minor canon Probabtionarus - Ordained D by John Bishop of London 06/03/1593 |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Cowse, Christopherus |
Ordained D 28/05/1580 by William, Bishop of Chester in Beate Marie Aldermanbury P 03/05/1580 by Richard, Bishop of Chichester |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
vicar choral |
Younge, Nicolaus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
vicar choral |
Aenmer, Michaell |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
vicar choral |
Gyles, Thomas |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
vicar choral |
Harrolde, Thomas |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
vicar choral |
Sharpe, Johannes |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
vicar choral |
Ramsey, Johannes |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Williams, Willimus |
Ordained D 26/10/1587 by William, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, P 15/05/1588 by the same Bishop |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Cooper, Martinus |
Rector of Merrowe, Surrey |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Roberts, Franciscus |
Rector of Sancti Georgii in Bultowe (ie Botolph)Lane, London |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Dowse, Ambrosius |
Office alos Cardmalis Junior |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Minor canon |
Golding, Ambrosius |
Office also Cardmalis Senior Ordained D by Edmuind, Bishop of Peterborough 21/09/1576 P by the same Bishop 27/02/1576 |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
subdean |
Andrewes, Hugo |
Ordained D by Edmund, Bishop of Peterborough 09/071575, P by Edmund, Bishop of Norwich 25/03/1578 |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Eldlande |
Prebendary |
Chutborne, Willimus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Reculverlande |
Prebendary |
Reneger, Michaelis |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Browneswoode |
Prebendary |
Harrington, Robertus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Sneating |
Prebendary |
Coton, Willimus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Iselton alias Islington |
Prebendary |
Martin, Thomas |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Hoxton |
Prebendary |
Hutchinson, Willimus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Wenlockes Barne |
Prebendary |
Leese, Johannes |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Elstreate |
Prebendary |
Newman, Robertus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Portpoole |
Prebendary |
Woode, Richardus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Willesden |
Prebendary |
Gravett, Willimus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Chamberlaine Woode |
Prebendary |
Wynter, Johannes |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Cadington Maioris |
Prebendary |
Flowre, Johannes |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Caddington Minor |
Prebendary |
Goldisburrough, Godfridus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Newington |
Prebendary |
Lloyde, Hugo |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Oxegate |
Prebendary |
Bunney, Edmundus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Mapesburye |
Prebendary |
Ebden, Johannes |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Mora |
Prebendary |
White, Thomas |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Harlestone |
Prebendary |
Temple, Robertus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Consumpte per Mare |
Prebendary |
Foxe, Willimus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Twyforde |
Prebendary |
Barkesdale, Willimus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Chiswick |
Prebendary |
Goodman, Gabriell |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Rugmer |
Prebendary |
Goddell, Zacharius |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Wyldlande |
Prebendary |
Bright, Arthurus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Cantlers |
Prebendary |
Stanhope, Edwardus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Fynnesburye |
Prebendary |
Aelmer, Theophilus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Holborne |
Prebendary |
Vaughan, Richardus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Bromesbury |
Prebendary |
Bancrofte, Richardus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of St. Pancrasii |
Prebendary |
Andrews, Lancelotus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Prebend of Tottenhall |
Prebendary |
Nowell, Alexandrus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
penitentiary |
Andrews, Lancelotus |
Office = Penitenciarus (Penitentiary) |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Chancellor |
Daye, Willimus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Treasurer |
Bancrofte, Richardus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Archdeaconry of Colchester |
Archdeacon |
Wythers, Georgius |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Archdeaconry of essex |
Archdeacon |
Tabor, Willimus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Archdeaconry of Middlesex |
Archdeacon |
Vaughan, Richardus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / Archdeaconry of London |
Archdeacon |
Aelmer, Theophilus |
St. Paul's Cathedral / |
Dean |
Nowell, VenerabilisAlexandrus |