Foster: s. John, of Whitwell, Westmorland, pleb. Queen's Coll., matric. 4 Nov., 1631, aged 16, B.A. 10 July, 1635, fellow, M.A. 16 May, 1639, B.D. 2 Aug., 1660, D.D. by diploma 9 Nov., 1660, canon of Carlisle 1660, of Lichfield 1661, and of Durham 1661, dean 1672, and bishop of Carlisle 1684, until his death 12 April, 1702, aged 88. See Lansdowne MS. f. 245; & Burrows, 544.
Year | Type | Name as Recorded | Location | Office/Status | Full Record |
1661 | Subsc | Smith, Thomas | Durham Cathedral / 4th Prebend | Prebendary | View |
1661 | Vac(resignation) | Smith, Thomas | Carlisle Cathedral / | Prebendary | View |
1661 | Appt(Resignation) | Smith, Thomas | Carlisle Cathedral / | Prebendary | View |
1668 | Subsc | Smith, Thomas | Durham Cathedral / 1st Prebend | Prebendary | View |