Adm. sizar (age 17) at ST JOHN'S, Mar. 1, 1777, of Norfolk. S. of Thomas. Bapt. July 30, 1758, at West Dereham. School, Lynn Grammar (Mr Lloyd). ' Matric. Michs. 1777; Prizeman; Scholar, 1780; B.A. (4th Wrangler) 1781; M.A. 1784; B.D. 1791. Fellow, 1784-1838. Tutor, c. 1787-1808. Junior Bursar, 1810-16. President, 1819-22 and 1831-2. Tutor in the family of Sir William Wake, c. 1784-7. Ord. deacon (Ely) Dec. 20, 1789; priest, May 30, 1790. Chaplain of Horningsea, Cambs., 1792-7. R. of North Ockenden, Essex, 1807-17. Devoted himself to the study of astronomy and had charge of the College observatory (then the only one in the University), 1791-1832; the results of his observations are preserved in 10 MS. volumes in the College Library and were published by Sir George B. Airy in 1853. F.R.S., 1821. F.R.A.S. For an appreciation of his character and work see memoir by the Rev. Edward Bushby in G. Mag., 1838, I. 433-4. Benefactor to the College. Died Jan. 6, 1838, aged 78, in College. Buried in the (old) College chapel. M.I. in the ante-chapel. (St John's Coll. Adm., IV; A. F. Torry, Founders and Benefactors; D.N.B.)
Year | Type | Name as Recorded | Location | Office/Status | Full Record |
1789 | Ordi(ordination) | Catton, Thomas | / | deacon | View |
1790 | Ordi(ordination) | Catton, Thomas | / | priest | View |
1807 | Appt(Institution) | Catton, Thomas | North Ockendon / | Rector | View |
1817 | Appt(Resignation) | Cotton, Thomas | North Ockendon / | Rector | View |
1817 | Vac(resignation) | Catten, Thomas | North Wokindon alias Ockendon / | Rector | View |