Bishops index

Selecting Browse Bishops generates a window, from which you can access lists of all bishops associated with a particular diocese, and other ordinary jurisdictions operating in the diocese. After selecting a diocese from the drop-down menu at the top left of the screen, you will generate a list on the left hand side of the screen. In the initial view you will see sub-headings distinguishing bishops and a list of other forms of ecclesiastical ordinary jurisdiction operative in the diocese. To view the contents of either list click on the toggle next to the headings. You can scroll down these lists. Select a bishop or another source of jurisdiction by clicking on it. A summary list of all records carried out under that authority will then appear in the main Window. The list can be re-sorted using the tabs at the top of each of the columns in any case where there are more than five items. This facility is particularly useful if, for example, you want to view all the ordinations carried out by a particular bishop.

The full details for any particular entry can then be viewed by clicking on the text icon on the right-hand side of the summary entry in the ‘View’ column. The full details will appear in the pop-up Record Window. It is possible to scroll up and down in the main and Record Windows. At any point, you can select another ordinary by using the alphabetical list on the left-hand side of the screen.

In the top right of the results screen a box labelled ‘Retrieve Record’ allows a user to enter the unique number associated with an individual bishop or ordinary jurisdiction, visible beneath the name above the list of events.

Go to Browse Bishops in the Database.