Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, July 11, 1827. [Elder] s. of the Rev. James, D.D. (above), Professor at the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth [and Mary Williams]. B. July 10, 1809. Schools, St Paul's, Portsmouth [and Sherborne]. ' Matric. Michs. 1828; Bell Scholar, 1829; B.A. (18th Wrangler) 1833; M.A. 1836. Fellow, 1836-40. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Jan. 14, 1831. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Oct. 25, 1835; priest (Ely, Litt. dim. from Peterb.) Nov. 27, 1836; C. of Broughton, Leics., 1835. Head Master of Grantham School, 1837-58. Jockey Inman, as the boys called him, worked hard to elevate the standard of the school, but was only partially successful. Towards the end of Inman's tenure of office, a boy named Payne amused himself one Sunday morning by pouring water on the heads of the people who were going home from church. Inman spent most of the afternoon caning him, and that night the boy ran away. His father sued Inman for assault and received damages and naturally the reputation of the School suffered (Cook, Hist. of Grantham 'Gr. Sch., 26). Chaplain to the Earl of Hardwicke. [p.523] 1850. Head Master of Pynsent's School, Chudleigh, Devon, 1858-77. C. of Knighton, Dorset, 1863-72. Married, 1839, Mary, dau. of William Turner, M.D., of Grantham. Retired, and lived at Southsea and at Deal. Author; Orioma, or the Reclaimed, etc. Editor and reviser of his father's Nautical Tables, 1867. Died Jan. 25, 1895, at Higham, Kent. Father of Henry T. (1867) and Thomas O. (1870); brother of William (1831). (F. P. White; P. B. G. Binnall; Sherborne Sch. Reg.; Inns of Court; Northants. Clergy; Crockford, 1887; Boase, II. 16)