Adm. sizar (age 18) at CAIUS, Mar. 29, 1780. S. of William (above), of Hawkedon, Suffolk. B. there Dec. 17, 1761. School, Christ's Hospital (Mr Boyer). Scholar, 1780-5; matric. Easter, 1781; B.A. 1784; M.A. 1787. Fellow, 1785-8. Ord. deacon (Norwich) June 6, 1784; priest, Feb. 24, 1788. R. of Hawkedon, Suffolk, 1788-1837. V. of Wanstead, Essex, 1812-37. Married, Apr. 23, 1788, Anne, dau. of Stephen Oliver, Esq., of Long Melford. Died Nov. 23, 1837, at Wanstead. Father of William S. (1808). (Christ's Hospital Reg.; Venn, II. 103; Foster, Index Eccles.; G. Mag., 1838, I. 105.)