Adm. sizar at ST JOHN'S, Mar. 4, 1822. A Ten-year man. S. of William. B. at Bedford. ' Matric. Lent, 1831; B.D. (Stat. Eliz.) 1832. Ord. deacon (Norwich) Mar. 3, 1822; priest, Oct. 5, 1823. Evening Lecturer at St Mary Magdalen and St Gregory and St Paul, Old Fish Street, London, 1823-72. Also Lecturer at St Mary's, Whitechapel. Joint Founder of the City Orthopaedic Hospital, Hatton Gardens. Died Mar. 31, 1872, at St John's Wood. Father of Reginald M. (1854). (The Times, Apr. 3, 1872; Clergy List.)