VENN: Herring, Thomas; Adm. pens. at JESUS, June 21, 1710. S. of John (1661), R. of Walsoken, Norfolk. B. there, 1693. School, Wisbech (Dr Carter). ' Matric. 1710; B.A. 1713-4. Migrated to Corpus Christi, July 13, 1714. M.A. 1717; D.D. 1728 (Comitia Regia. Certain gatherings of the Senate of the University at which royal personages were present and degrees specially conferred.Com. Reg.). Fellow of Corpus Christi, 1716-23. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 23, 1716; priest, 1719. V. of Shelford, Cambs.; of Stow-com-Quy; and Holy Trinity, Cambridge, 1722. Chaplain to Flectwood, Bishop of Ely, 1722. R. of Rettendon, Essex, 1722. R. of Barley, Herts., 1722-31. Preacher at Lincoln's Inn, 1727-33. Chaplain to the King, 1727-32. R. of Bietchingley, Surrey, 1731-8. Dean of Rochester, 1732-43. Bishop of Bangor, 1738-43. Archbishop of York, 1743-7. Archbishop of Canterbury, 1747-57. Author, sermons. Died Mar. 13, 1757. Buried at Croydon. Benefactor to Corpus Christi. (Masters; D.N.B.)
Described as chaplain to Bishop of Ely when presented to Rectories of Rettingdon (Oct. 1722) and Barley (Dec. 1722).