Adm. sizar at CORPUS CHRISTI, Apr. 23, 1831. Of London. S. of Thomas, Esq. [and Sophia Parker], of Basingstoke, Hants. ' Matric. Michs. 1831; Scholar, 1832. Migrated (age 21) to Magdalene, May 31, 1833; B.A. 1835; M.A. 1838. Adm. ad eundem at Oxford, Nov. 10, 1842. Ord. deacon (London) June 14, 1835; priest (Gloucester, Litt. dim. from London) June 5, 1836; V. of St Mary's, Haggerston, Middlesex, 1837-52. R. of High Halden, Kent, 1852-3. R. of St Augustine with St Faithunder-St Paul, London, 1853-7. V. of St Giles's, Cripplegate, 1857-86. Died July 12, 1886, at The Limes, Cresfield Road, Ealing Common. (Cant. Act Bk.; Clergy List; Al. Oxon.; Scott, MSS.; The Guardian, July 14, 1886.)