Adm. sizar (age 19) at ST JOHN'S, May 11, 1775. S. of the Rev. George (1733-4), R. of Pulchrane [Pwllcrochan], Pembs. B. at St David's, Pembs. School (under his father). ' Matric. Michs. 1775; Scholar, 1775; B.A. 1779; M.A. 1791; D.D. 1806. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) June 27, 1779; priest (St David's) Feb. 24, 1780. R. of Matlock, Derbs., 1780-1836. R. of Osgathorpe, Leics., 1796-1836. R. of East and West Leake, Notts., 1804-36. Chaplain to George, Prince of Wales, in 1804. Preb. of Canterbury, 1815-22. Preb. of Westminster, 1822-36. Married, Feb. 23, 1781, Catherine, dau. of Francis Hurt, of Derbs. Died Sept. 7, 1836, at West Leake. Brother of John (1784); father of the next. (St John's Coll. Adm., IV. 308; Foster, Index Eccles.; Cant. Act Bk.)