Venn: Matric. sizar from CORPUS CHRISTI, Easter, 1617. Of Northamptonshire. S. of John. Bapt. at Peterborough, Dec. 16, 1599. B.A. 1620-1. No M.A. recorded. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Oct. 29; priest, Oct. 30, 1622. Afterwards became a Roman Catholic. Adm. at the English College at Douay. Entered the Franciscan Convent, 1623; became a member of the Order. Appointed vicar of his house, 1630;
Custos custodum with the office of commissary of his English brethren in Belgium, 1637. Lector of scholastic theology, 1640. Went on the English Mission. Arrested in London; convicted as a returned priest. Executed at Tyburn, Apr. 17, 1643. (D.N.B.)