VENN: Adm. pens. at JESUS, Sept. 24, 1684. S. of Thomas (1663), deceased. Of Middlesex. ' Matric. 1685; Scholar, 1685, from St Paul's School; Rustat scholar; B.A. 1688-9; M.A. 1697; D.D. (Comitia Regia. Certain gatherings of the Senate of the University at which royal personages were present and degrees specially conferred.'Com. Reg.) 1717. Fellow, 1696-1714. Master of Clare, May 16, 1713-26; he was nominated by the Duke of Somerset, the Chancellor; the votes of the society being equally divided. Vice-Chancellor, 1716-7. Ord. priest (Lincoln) June 8, 1707. V. of Whittlesford, Cambs., 1705; of All Saints', Cambridge, 1707-17. R. of Trowbridge, Wilts., 1717-26. Chaplain to the Duke of Somerset. Died Apr. 9, 1726. Will proved ('Vice-Chancellor's Court, Cambridge. See notes on the Sources for Personal Histories V.C.C. and 'Prerogative Court of Canterbury.'P.C.C.) 1726. (A. Gray.)