VENN: Adm. pens. at JESUS, June 18, 1717. S. of Gideon (1684), late V. of Kingston-on-Thames. Bapt. Mar. 23, 1700-1. Rustat scholar, 1718; B.A. 1720-1; M.A. 1724. Grace for M.D. 1728 (Comitia Regia. Certain gatherings of the Senate of the University at which royal personages were present and degrees specially conferred.'Com. Reg.). Fellow, 1722-33. Physician to George III. Physician to the Tower. F.R.S. 1753. Died at Mansfield, Nov. 1775. Brother of Nicholas (1718). (A. Gray; G. Mag.; Manning and Bray, I. 383.)
Type | Name | Date | Qualification | University | Full Record |
Appt | Hardinge, Caleb | 26/12/1722 | BA | View |