In Venn as JOHN BRAHAM ISAACSON. A transcription error or name change?
Adm. pens. at JESUS, June 27, 1782. Of Cambridge. ' Matric. Easter, 1784; B.A. 1786; M.A. 1789. Ord. deacon (Norwich) July 25, 1786; priest, Aug. 8, 1790; C. of Tuddenham, Suffolk, 1786. C. of Wicken and Isleham, Cambs., 1790-8; V. there, 1798-1826. Died Jan. 31, 1826, aged 67. (Foster, Index Eccles.)
Fielding (1910) notes that his name was inscribed on the 4th bell at Isleham.
Query date of ord. deacon