Adm. sizar (age 15) at ST JOHN'S, June 29, 1753. S. of William, schoolmaster, of Kent. B. at Shoreham. School, Sutton (Mr Hardy). ' Matric. Michs. 1753; Scholar, 1756; B.A. 1757; M.A. 1760. Ord. deacon (Rochester) Dec. 21, 1760; priest, June 6, 1762; C. of Foots Cray, Kent. V. of Bexley, 1770-1808. Mathematical Master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, for 38 years. Died Feb. 10, 1808, aged 70, at Bexley. Father of George R. (1813 CCE1858); brother of Vincent (1761).
Fielding (1910) records MI: 'Sacred to the memory of the Reverend William Green AM, thirty-eight years Vicar of Bexley; for many years classical master of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich: objit Feb. 10 1808, Hic vir animo como et miti necnon ad artes omnes apto; humanis literis severam mathematicaeque praestabat diciplinam adjuncit; summa fiuot in omnibus officiis industrio ingenio tamen meliore quam fortuna usus et domestico in luctu haud semel spectatus quod credidit exemplo docet sperandum alibi quam in terris felicitatem'. Buried Bexley 13 Feb. 1808.