In Foster
s Alexander of Isleworth Mssx, dr; WADHAM m 6/7/1808; aged 17; BA 1813, MA 1816, R Woolwich 1837 to d. 22/12/1850
Fielding (1910) gives MI: 'In memory of the Revd William Greenlaw MA, 13 years Rector of this parish; born 18th May 1781, died 22 December 1850; this tablet has been erected by Public Subscription as a memorial of the perserverance, energy and Christian zeal with which he ever promote the spiritual and temporal interests of his parishioners. The Church of St John, the national schools, and the parochial almshouses bear a testimony to his faithful exertions in the cause of religion and charity. He that winneth souls is wise, Prov. XI 36; They that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. Dan. XII 5.' Buried Woolwich 22 Dec. 1850