Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, Mar. 1, 1780. Of Derbyshire. [S. of Thomas, of Hallfieldgate.] School, Manchester. ' Matric. Michs. 1780; Scholar, 1780; B.A. 1784; M.A. 1789. Ord. deacon (Lichfield) Mar. 7, 1784; priest, Sept. 25, 1785; C. of Shirland, Derbs., 1784. R. (and patron) of Aythorp Roding and Stondon Massey, Essex, 1791-1841. Employed Capability Brown to lay out the rectory garden. J.P. for Essex for some thirty years; sometime Chairman of the Ongar Bench. Married (1) Hannah, dau. of Adam Oldham, merchant, of Manchester; (2) Ann . Assisted Sir George Chetwynd in the 23rd ed. of Burn's Justice of the Peace. Died Jan. 31, 1841, aged 79. M.I. at Stondon Massey. Father of the next. (St John's Coll. Adm., IV. 401; G. Mag., 1841, I. 440; E. H. L. Reeve; P. B. G. Binnall.)