Adm. sizar at JESUS, Apr. 21, 1784. A 'Ten-year man'. Of Scotland. ' Matric. Easter, 1797; B.D. (Stat. Eliz.) 1797. P.C. of Darlington, Durham, 1789-1830. R. of Speldhurst, Kent, 1816-30. Died Nov. 9, 1830, aged 84, at Lichfield. (G. Mag., 1830, II. 570.)
Date for presentation at Speldhurst obtained from Gentleman's Magazine Obituary and CH Fielding Records of Rochester.
Father of William, CceID1848.
The ordination records are attached as likely to be for this individual. Kate Brial in an email confirms him as uncle to John Gordon CceID1847, and born c. 1745 in Scotland