Adm. pens. at QUEENS', Apr. 30, 1805. Of Huntingdonshire. [S. of George James, merchant and banker, of St Neots. B. there Aug. 21, 1787. School, Cheam. D.N.B. states that he was privately educated by a Quaker.] ' Matric. Lent, 1806; Norrisian Prize, 1808; B.A. (3rd Wrangler and Smith's Prize) 1809; M.A. 1812; B.D. 1821. Fellow, 1810-27. Resided in Edinburgh as companion to a nobleman, 1809. Ord. deacon (Lincoln, Litt. dim. for Ely) Mar. 10, 1811; priest, Feb. 23, 1812; C. of Beckenham, Kent, 1814-18. C. of Clapham, Surrey, 1818-27. C. of Eltisley and Croxton, Cambs., 1830. C. of St Mary's Chapel, Maidenhead, Berks., 1840-2. C. of Fawley, Bucks., 1843-6. V. of St Just-in-Penwith, Cornwall, 1846-50. V. of Brampford-Speke, Devon, 1850-7. Instituted there by Sir H. J. Fust, Judge of the Court of Arches, after the Bishop of Exeter had taken exception to his views on baptismal regeneration. The Gorham Judgement followed two and a half years of litigation, and the case raised a storm of controversy. A foreign visitor congratulated a country which knew no more serious revolution than that of le père Gorham. Author, History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St Neots, etc. Reviewed the recorded appearances of Halley's Comet, 1456-1835, in The Times, Jan. 26, 1836. Died June 19, 1857, at Brampford-Speke. Father of the next. (G. Mag., 1857, II. 223; G. B. Routledge; Boase, I. 1185; Clergy List; D.N.B.; Scott, MSS.; Dict. of Eng. Church Hist.; Gunther, Early Science in Cambridge, 175.)