Adm. sizar at ST JOHN'S, Dec. 21, 1782. Of Lancashire. [Perhaps s. of Henry, of Mill End, gent., who was father of James, of Brasenose College, Oxford.] Adm. sizar at St Catharine's, Jan. 17, 1783. Re-adm. sizar at St John's, Feb. 24, 1784. ' Matric. Michs. 1784; scholar, 1787; B.A. (6th Wrangler) 1788; M.A. 1791. Fellow of St John's, 1789-98. Head Master of the Grammar School, Rivington, Lancs., 1789-97. Ord. deacon (Chester) Sept. 25, 1791; priest, Sept. 22, 1793. V. of Higham, Kent, Feb. 24, 1797-1827. Died Sept. 9, 1827, aged 63. (St John's Coll. Adm., IV. 290.)
Fielding (1910) notes restored Higham church where buried.