Venn: Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, Nov. 26, 1798. S. of , of Stamford. School, Uppingham. ' Matric. Michs. 1802; B.A. (12th Wrangler) 1803, as A. J. Carrighan; M.A. 1806; B.D. 1813, as A. J. Carrighan. Fellow, 1804-33. Senior Dean, 1814-16. Sacrist, 1822-3. Steward, 1823-4 and 1826-33. Lady Margaret Preacher, 1824-33. Ord. priest (Peterb.) June 23, 1805. R. of Barrow, Suffolk, 1832-45. Married, Aug. 1833, Julia, youngest dau. of Thomas Mills, of Gt Saxham Hall, Suffolk. Resumed his father's name of Carrighan. Carrighan had many charms, but it will suffice to say he was a gentleman and a scholar. Died Mar. 13, 1845, aged 64, at Barrow rectory. (Northants: Clergy, which mistakenly gives Gosling St John's Coll. Adm., IV. 275; Clergy List; T. G. Hake, Memoirs, 163; G. Mag., 1845, II. 91.)