Venn: Adm. (age 19) at CORPUS CHRISTI, 1696. S. of Thomas. Bapt. at Beakesbourne, Kent, Sept. 20, 1677. ' Matric. Michs. 1697; B.A. 1699-1700; M.A. 1703; B.D. 1711; D.D. (Oxford) 1733. Fellow of Corpus Christi, 1703-19. Ord. priest (London) June 19, 1709. P.C. of Teddington, Middlesex, 1709-61. R. of Porlook, Somerset, 1717-23. F.R.S. 1718. V. of Farringdon, Hants., 1722. Copley medallist, 1739. A member of the French Academy, 1753. Founder and Vice-President of the Society of Arts. Clerk of the closet to the Princess dowager Augusta. Well known as a physiologist and inventor. Died Jan. 4, 1761. (Masters, 302; D.N.B.)