VENN: M.A. 1633 Incorp. from Oxford. S. of Richard, of Minshul Vernon, Cheshire. Matric. from Brasenose College, Oxford, June 10, 1630, age 19; B.A. 1629-30; M.A. 1632. Perhaps minister of Warmingham, Cheshire, 1641. V. of St Mary's, Lichfield, 1645-7 and 1660-76. C. of Tettenhall, 1650; V. 1652-8. R. of Blithfield, 1668-76. Buried at St Mary's, Lichfield, Apr. 3, 1676. (Al. Oxon.; Wm. Salt Arch. Soc., 1915.)
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, vol. 10 (Lichfield):
Chancellor of Lichfield: Pres. by king, by reason of lapse or sede vacante, 7 Dec. 1660 (P.R.O., C 66/2919). But already instal. 6 Sept., on mand. of Bp. Accepted [Frewen] (D30/2/1/7 f. 1). D. by 3 Apr. 1676 (burial, Lichfield, St. Mary) (Lichfield R.O., PRLichfield, St. Mary).
From: 'Chancellors', Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857: volume 10: Coventry and Lichfield diocese (2003), pp. 20-22.
Canon residentiary: Richard Harrison M.A. (Alrewas, chancellor) 1661-1676.
Appears to have occupied a canonical house prior to 6 Sept. 1660, when wassucc. by Robert Hill (D30/2/1/7 ff. 4v-5). Pres. by king to canon residentiaryship;adm. 18 June 1661 (ibid. ff. 25v-26). D. by 3 Apr. 1676 (see Chancellors), andsucc. as canon resid. by Francis Coke (D30/2/1/7 f. 51v), but in house by EdwardFulham (not a canon resid.).[24 June 1661: Paule (dean), Higgins (Bishop's Itchington, precentor, archdcn.of Derby), Rutter (Longdon), Hill (Pipa Minor), Harrison (Alrewas, chancellor)(D30/2/1/7 f. 26v) = 5]
From: 'Canons residentiary of Lichfield', Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857: volume 10: Coventry and Lichfield diocese (2003), pp. 78-94. URL: Date accessed: 24 April 2012.
Father of John Harrison (61689).