Adm. pens. (age 20) at ST JOHN'S, Feb. 23, 1763; from Jesus College, Oxford, whence he had matric. Oct. 22, 1760. S. of Thomas, druggist, of Denbighs. B. in Ruthin. School, Ruthin. ' Matric. Easter, 1763; B.A. 1765; M.A. 1768. Fellow, 1766-72. Ord. deacon (London), Dec. 21, 1765; priest, Dec. 21, 1767. V. of Higham, Kent, 1771-96. Head Master of Beaumaris School, Anglesey, -1778-. Author, The Adventures of Telemachus, in blank verse. Died in September, 1796. (St John's Coll. Adm., III. 687; Al. Oxon.; G. Mag., 1796, II. 795.)
Father of Henry CCE22045