Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, May 21, 1789; Fell.-Com., Nov. 3, 1789. Of Lincolnshire. [Doubtless s. of Wildbore, J.P. for Grantham, who died there Feb. 16, 1807, aged 77.] School, Grantham. ' Matric. Michs. 1789; B.A. 1793. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) June 29, 1794; C. of Little Ponton, 1794. A Wildbore G. became an ensign, by purchase, in the 84th (York and Lancaster) Regt. of Foot, June 17, 1800; George MacDonald succeeded Aug. 8, 1801, on Garnar's death. (G. A. Raikes, Roll of Officers of the York and Lancaster Regt., 23, 83; St John's Coll. Adm., IV. 264.)