Adm. pens. at CORPUS CHRISTI, Dec. 5, 1821. Of Middlesex. ' Matric. Michs. 1822. Migrated to Sidney, July 8, 1823; B.A. (4th Classic) 1826; M.A. 1829; B.D. 1836. Fellow and Tutor of Sidney. Ord. deacon (Bristol) 1827; priest (Ely) June 14, 1829; C. of Sawston, Cambs. C. of St John's, Stratford, Essex. V. of Brent Pelham with Furneaux Pelham, Herts., 1839-63 [according to Crockford and Clergy List, but Index Eccles. gives July 2, 1836-63]. Married Jane, dau. of John Hubbard, Aug. 2, 1836. Author, Testimony of the Church to the Nature and Effects of Holy Baptism; Manual of Prayers; University Sermons. Died Dec. 19, 1863, at Furneaux Pelham. M.I. Father of Bernard (1869); his 4th son, Herbert, was created Bart. in 1851. (Cussans, I. Pt 2, 144; Burke, P. and B.; G. Mag., 1864, I. 260.)
MI seen by RAB at Furneaux Pelham
'He died in the firm belief that the doctrines of the Church of England in the plain straightforward meaning of the Book of Common Prayer are the true doctrines of the Gospel and his dying exhortation to the parishioners was that they should be steadfast churchmen not in name only but in heart and life.'