Adm. pens. at ST CATHARINE'S, Apr. 19, 1823. S. of John, Esq., of Bath. ' Matric. Michs. 1823; B.A. 1827; M.A. 1833. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) 1827; priest, 1828; C. of All Saints', Gainsborough, Lincs., 1827-43. P.C. of Holy Trinity, Gainsborough, 1843-54. V. of Cabourn (‘with credit to himself and with profit to his parishioners’), 1854-87. Latterly of Knaith Cottage, South Place, Surbiton, Surrey, where he died Mar. 24, 1895, aged 96. Father of the next, and of Philip J. (1857). (Crockford; Cambridge Chronicle, Mar. 29, 1895.)