Adm. pens. at CLARE, Oct. 23, 1772. B. at Birmingham. ' Matric. Michs. 1773; B.A. (6th Wrangler) 1777; M.A. 1780. Fellow, 1779-82. Ord. deacon (Peterb.) Dec. 20, 1778; priest (Peterb., Litt. dim. from Ely) May 24, 1779. R. of Wistow, Hunts., 1782-1825. P.C. of Stow-cum-Quy, Cambs., 1789. Bought the Temple property at Gt Wilbraham, Cambs., in 1788, and settled there. Married Anne, dau. of Richard Greaves, of Fulbourn Manor, Cambs. Died s.p. June 8, 1825, at Gt Wilbraham. M.I. there. (Northants. Clergy; Burke, L.G., 1939, which gives died 1830; H. P. Stokes, History of the Wilbrahams; Incs. of Hunts.)