Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, Jan. 16, 1828. Of Middlesex. [5th s. of William (1784), M.D., of London, physician to George III. B. Dec. 13, 1810. School, Charterhouse.] ' Matric. Michs. 1828; B.A. 1832; M.A. 1835. Ord. deacon (Bristol, Litt. dim. from Rochester) Dec. 21, 1833; V. of West Thurrock, Essex, 1838-63. V. of Wilmington, Kent, 1840-76. Married, July 3, 1834, Ellen St Barbe, dau. of the Rev. Edward Allen, and had issue. Died Sept. 6, 1876. Brother of Charles (1815), George [CCE7147] etc. (Burke, Family Records; Clergy List; Crockford; Foster, Index Eccles.; Cant. Act Bk.; List of Carthusians.)
Fielding (1910) gives MI at Wilmington: buried there 11/9/1876 'Also of Frederick Heberden, for 36 years vicar of this parish. Loved and regretted by all who knew him. He was called to rest, Sept 6th 1876 aged 65; for so he giveth ihs beloved sleep.'
Type | Name | Date | Status | Event | Full Record |
Ord | Heberden, Frederick | 26/04/1835 | priest | ordination | View |