Venn: Adm. pens. ST JOHN'S 6 Oct. 1803; 2nd son of Dr John Haygarth of Bath; born Nov. 1787; school Rugby; matric. Michs 1804; scholar 1804; BA 1808; MA 1811; ord. deacon (Winchester) 17 Dec. 1809; priest (Gloucester) 29 Nov. 1810; C of Itchenstone, Hants; R of Upham with Durley 1814-54; married 1810 Sophia, dau. of Edmund Poulter of Winchester; father was famous physician in Chester, first to set up separate fever wards, moved to Bath, involved in inquiry into endowed grammar schools; John Haygarth died 26 Oct. 1854 at Upham; father of John Sayer (CCED ID), brother of William (1800); see Rugby Sch. Reg., G. Mag. 1854 II, 637