Adm. pens. at ST CATHARINE'S, Feb. 18, 1691-2. S. of Samuel, Head Master of Norwich School (for whom see D.N.B.). B. at Westerham, Kent. Bapt. Dec. 22, 1676. ' Matric. 1692; B.A. 1695-6; M.A. 1699. Fellow, 1697-1701. D.D. (Lambeth) 1715. Ord. deacon (London) 1698; priest, Dec. 22, 1700. Lecturer of St Mildred Poultry, 1701-11. R. of St Peter-le-Poer, 1704-20. R. of Streatham, Surrey, 1710-23. Chaplain to George I, 1715. R. of Llandyssnan, Anglesey. R. of Llandurnog, Vale of Gwyd. Bishop of Bangor, 1716-21; of Hereford, 1721-2; of Salisbury, 1723-34; and of Winchester, 1734-61. An eminent controversialist; leader of the latitudinarian party in Church and State. His sermon on the ;Nature of the Kingdom or Church of Christ; caused the "Bangorian Controversy", 1717-20. Author, controversial, etc. Died at his palace at Chelsea, Apr. 17, 1761, aged 85. Buried in Winchester Cathedral. Father of the next, and of John (1730), brother of John (1693). (D.N.B.; Cath. Coll. Hist.)