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Document Contents
Lincolnshire Archives
Register XXXVIII | Episcopal register of Bishops Richard Reynolds and John Thomas, June 1723Oct. 1761 |
Register XXXIX | Episcopal register of Bishops John Green, Thomas Thurlow and George Pretyman, Dec, 1761Dec.1799 |
Register XL | Episcopal register of Bishops George Pretyman(-Tomline), George Pelham, John Kaye and John Jackson, Jan. 1800 July 1858
Extracted records up until 31 December 1835 only. |
Ord. Reg. 1 | Ordination register 182068
Extracted records up until 31 December 1835 only. |
Cur. Reg. 181331 | Register of Curates’ Licences 181331 |
Sub. VII | Subscription book ending 1753
One note of resignation for 1740 extracted from fo. 442. |
Sub. VIII | Subscriptions of schoolmasters etc 28 June 1727 – 18 Nov. 1810
Subscriptions of schoolmasters and clerics extracted (not yet uploaded). |
Sub. IX | Subscription book for clerical subscriptions 28 June 1769 to 22 Dec. 1780
Subscriptions relating to licences on 21 Dec. 1778 and private ordination on 28 Oct. 1775 on fo. 133 extracted. |
Sub. XII | Subscription book for clerical subscriptions 12 June 1802 to 23 Dec. 1815
Licences for 27 Mar., 18 June 1811, 5 June 1814 extracted. |
Sub. XIII | Subscription book for clerical subscriptions 9 Dec. 1815 to 23 Feb. 1824
Subscription relating to licences on 2 July 1822, 12 July 1822, and private ordinations on 23 Apr. and 15 Sept. 1821 extracted. |
Sub. XIV | Subscription book for clerical subscriptions 5 Jan 1824 to 23 Feb. 1834
Subscriptions relating to licences on 19 July 1827, 5 Oct. 1827 and 21 Jan 1834 extracted. |
Sub. T 5 | Travelling subscription book 176178
Records of subscriptions for outgoing letters dimissory extracted for 7 Sept 1766, and licences on 19 Sept. 1779, 8, 10, 15, 18 and 21 Aug. 1778 extracted. |
Sub. T 6 | Subscription book for clerical subscriptions, 21 June 1780 to 18 June 1818
Records of subscriptions for licences 17 June 1784, 29 June 1788, 29 July 1791 extracted. |
D&C CII 97/1 | Dean and Chapter Subscription Book 17131914
Subscriptions of senior vicars, curates, and schoolmasters extracted to 31 Dec. 1835. |
Oxfordshire County Record Office
MS Archd. Papers Oxon. c. 162 | Visitation book, Thame and Monks Risborough peculiars, 1676–1721
Extracted annual libri cleri for 1676–1721 and a licence to preach (p. 188). |
Printed sources
Canterbury Sede Vacante | Kent Records. Calendar of Institutions by the Chapter of Canterbury sede vacante, ed. C. E. Woodruff and I. J. Churchill (1924), pp. 2, 4–5, 14, 18, 20, 29, 35–6, 38, 43–4, 50, 57, 59, 61, 71, 79, 88, 97, 103, 107-8, 115, 120, 136, 140. |