Tag Archives: Hereford


The database has now been updated to reflect progress on linking records and the consolidation of personal identities over the past 6 months. We should begin by thanking the many users who have sent in very helpful material, which has enabled us to confirm, enhance and correct many identifications during this period.

The most important changes to the data reflected in the new update are:
1) Completion of linkage of modern Chester records to both person and location
2) Completion of the linkage of almost all modern records to locations in Hereford save for some tricky cathedral and vicars choral appointments); all Hereford records involving surnames A-D personified and career modelled.
3) linkage of some Peterborough 1540-1660 records
4) linkage of Patent Rolls 1540-1640 – especially locations.
5) A thorough check of records for modern Bangor, Canterbury, Carlisle and Durham, and some of Ely, to ensure all records are linked, and where possible merging records which clearly belong together to single career models and personifications.

One result of this work is that the total number of persons identified in the database may now have shrunk thanks to the merging of related records.

CCEd Upgrade February 2015

The CCEd is very pleased to announce that we have recently been able to implement another substantial upload of new data to the CCEd website.

As promised in January, this is notable for seeing the completion of the linkage of records for the Diocese of London since 1760 to both place and person, and the publishing of the location links for the records for the diocese of Chester since the same date. This marks a major leap forward in our coverage for the north-west of England, covering as it does parishes in Cheshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, Westmorland and west and north Yorkshire. Work is now underway on linking the Chester records to persons for the same period (it is not yet publicly available, but we are up to surnames beginning with F!)

Further south, linkage for modern records for the diocese of Gloucester is now completed with the linkage of records for surnames beginning R to Z, and a start has been made on Hereford for the same period. Linkage has been continuing for the diocese of St David’s.

For the earlier part of the database, new records have been linked from the diocese of Peterborough 1540-1640 and from the Patent Rolls 1540-1603. Both of these remain work in progress.

It is also worth noting that the London records include many relating to the church in the British empire and other overseas locations.